About BRM

Broken Rules Magazine was born out of a classroom that contains 29 bright students who constantly share ideas and continue to show that the future of our country is great. These 29 writers are talented, but more importantly, they are great young people. They are connected to the world, they understand the impact of events on the world, and they continue move forward.

The idea of this site is to allow them to write more than they ever have. The responsibility of the education system is simple. We must allow students to experience the world within the context of school, allow them to develop the skills necessary to analyze and contextualize that experience, and push them to do more than they thought possible. This site and their articles will reflect those goals.

6842205You will notice a backwards “K” in our logos. The symbol is what goes into a baseball score book when a batter strikes out without swinging the bat. In our classroom, there is nothing worse than the backwards “K”. None of these students–10th grade honors students–get a backwards “K”. They are here, writing, and putting themselves out here.

Much of their work will be what they are passionate about. Some of their articles will be research based as they learn those necessary skills through this real world project. I hope you enjoy their work. They will amaze and continue to grow each week.

-G. Armida

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